
Bradbury Works

We are excited to announce the completion of the Bradbury Works Project.

Bradbury Works is open for business!

Mayor of Hackney, Philip Glanville, opened the Hackney Co-operative Developments building at 3 Bradbury Street, known as Bradbury Works, on March 17. "It's going to be a really incredible place," he said as he snipped the launch ribbon with those who have been involved with the project over the last six years.

Mayor Glanville added: "Providing affordable workspace for local people is a key priority for the Council, and this includes using our own land, buildings and assets for this purpose in our town centres wherever possible.

"We are delighted to see the completion of the Bradbury Works project in Dalston, a real labour of love for both HCD and the Council, using £1 million in Mayor of London investment and including over 1,000 sqm of new and refurbished affordable workspace and 10 upgraded retail spaces, ringfenced for local, independent businesses.

"We are committed to supporting the growth of our local co-operatives like HCD, and have recently pledged nearly £70,000 in our budget to support the sector to grow and flourish in Hackney."

Mayor Opening of Bradbury Works

Louise Duggan, Head of Regeneration at the Greater London Authority (GLA), also helped open the building. “This is a great example of the Co-operative movement in action, and we have been proud to be involved in such an exciting project,” she said at the launch ceremony.

Bradbury works include 1100sqm of new and refurbished affordable workspace. The Project, was delivered on Council land using part funding of the funds received in 2017 under the LEAP funding from the Mayor of London, including 30 workspaces and studios and 10 upgraded retail spaces.

It is another exciting historic step in the development of Bradbury Street by HCD, which has contributed significantly down the years to Dalston's cultural, social and business life.

London’s places of work hold the potential for much of London’s future innovation, enterprise and economic growth.  But in order to realise this potential, businesses must be supported in making the journey from start-up to flourishing and growing enterprises. Places like Bradbury Works provide an essential stepping stone - enabling entrepreneurs, creatives, and small businesses to establish themselves and grow.

 Places like Bradbury Works are part of long-term, strategic, and coordinated efforts by Hackney Council and the GLA to improve places by valuing who and what’s already there and creating local economies where Londoners can prosper. This couldn’t happen without local organisations such as Hackney Cooperative Development, who equip their tenants to contribute economically and socially to the good growth of Dalston and beyond.  


Luke Kavanagh, Social Enterprise Manager (Trust For London) We are very excited to see the Bradbury Works reopen and look forward to seeing its impact on the local community with new spaces for social enterprises and increased opportunities for local employment. At the Trust for London, we recognise that safe and secure employment is key to tackling poverty and inequality within London and welcome HCD's alignment with us.


Rod Campbell-Taylor, Chair of HCD, commented: “We are celebrating this amazing and rather beautiful building that would never have gotten off the ground without the unwavering support of our funders.

“I would like to thank them now for that support publicly - our main funder Unity Trust Bank, Trust For London, Hackney Council and where it all started, the GLA. We very much appreciate your commitment and your staying with us through some difficult moments along the way. 

 “We should see this building as a community asset, part of the common good. We are not in the business of squeezing tenants to increase company profits. As a Community Interest Company, every penny of any surplus we generate from this project will go to other projects.      

“And not just a design masterpiece – or Dalston urban chic at its best, or a brilliant re-purposing of a Victorian terrace, or a building with a massively improved carbon footprint to boot - the rents are still affordable – and will stay that way.”


Alex Smith, Director of [Y/N] Studio and lead architect for the new building, added: “When I first visited the building, it was obvious that what makes it so unique is the community it fostered both inside and in its relationship to the square outside.

“Now, six years later, I’m delighted that many of those existing tenants have been able to return to the building. Some refurbished units beside us have double glazed windows and much improved thermal insulation.”

He said, “And others will soon move in below us where 10 new retail units provide the roof on which we stand. I can’t wait to see what they have planned.”

“The double height covered terrace we are in is entirely unique to Bradbury Works. It doesn’t just provide shelter and access to units. It is also an extension of the square inside the building and, in turn, an extension of the Gillett square community.”  For further information, visit www.ynstudio.eu 

Read All About Bradbury Works


Anthonia Onigbode, HCD's Chief Operating and Finance Officer, spoke of the challenges of bringing the project to fruition. “It's an honour to be here today to celebrate the opening of Bradbury Works after five years filled with challenges brought about by Brexit, the pandemic, lockdowns and project slippages.

“The past two years have been a test of resilience for us all, but I am proud of our team for adapting and persevering through these difficult times. The project is a symbol of our determination and resilience as an organisation.”

Anthonia went on: “The pandemic has changed the way we work and interact with each other, making a comfortable and safe work environment more important than ever. This new space has been designed with the health and safety of our stakeholders in mind, and we are confident that it will help them feel comfortable and productive.

“Today is a day of celebration, but it is also a day of commitment. We are committed to ensuring that this building is not only a physical space but a symbol of hope and progress for all who use it."

“So, on behalf of everyone here today, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our funders for their support and for making this REPURPOSE building a reality.”


Mayor Glanville emphasised that the project also includes improvements to ‘our vital public spaces in Gillett Square, including improved natural surveillance, increased footfall and improvements to the public realm.’

"The Council is hugely supportive of Hackney Co-operative Developments CIC, which since 1982 has managed a wide range of projects that provide Hackney residents with employability and enterprise support, incubating over 80 social enterprises and SMEs, providing 225 jobs and 245 volunteering opportunities."

HCD supports creating and growing co-operatives and social enterprises through programmes such as its Pioneering Social Enterprise in Hackney Initiative Pioneering Social Enterprise in Hackney. In addition, HCD uses its agency role to network and connect organisations so that the movement can work together to grow the locally-owned social economy in the borough. 


For further details, please contact Anthonia Onigbode at a.onigbode@hcd.coop or 020 3875 9335. www.hcd.coop Photos from the event are available on request. 

If interested in a unit or making a general enquiry, kindly complete our premises Premises Registration Form and email it to property@hcd.coop.


Bradbury Works Features



We want to thank the following funders who made this a reality for the organisation. The Greater London Authority (GLA), Supported by the Mayor of London, The Local Enterprise Partnership for London (LEAP), Hackney Council, Trust For London and Unity Trust Bank.